Is your New Year’s resolution to drop the pounds starting to go off the rails? 

To keep us on track we asked Wombourne slimming expert Claire Beaumont for her five golden rules for losing weight and staying healthy.

Here’s Claire’s advice to us all …

The golden rules

Don’t starve yourself

We dont need to starve to lose weight! We need to actively fuel our bodies and in turn our metabolism. You dont need to eat less you need to eat right! So choosing the healthier options and eating regularly through each day is important…its ok to have five or six smaller meals a day if you prefer not to have three larger meals!

Everything in moderation

Balancing the types of foods you eat throughout the day is key. Too many high fat, high sugar treats is only going to end one way, but reducing the consumption of these types of foods is very beneficial, not only to your diet and waistline but health too.

Balancing more fruit and vegetables, fibre and proteins and carbs into your diet is a good way to fill up and crave less! But these plates of food need to be balanced.

Keep hydrated

Six to eight mug size drinks a day not only keeps you hydrated but can help reduce hunger pangs too (ask yourself, am I hungry or thirsty?)

Help your weight loss journey

Claire will be giving further healthy living and weight loss tips here at Wombourne Online in the coming weeks.

If the time has come for you to lose weight, Claire runs Slimming World groups in Wombourne on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Call here for more information on 07942 989989 or see more at .

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