Jessica Shields Coaching

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We deliver our coaching services in Wombourne, and the surrounding areas, to support individuals in their success and wellbeing. We deliver coaching in schools and colleges, in businesses and for individuals seeking life coaching.
We facilitate your development to ensure you gain the success and happiness you desire. Through implementing powerful coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, which focus on removing barriers to success, creating options, finding and enhancing your inner strengths, and modelling and creating the effective behaviour you want; coaching enables you to reach your goals, whatever they may be.
If you were to implement these three things in your life, where would you be?
– Confidence
– Focus
– Options
square logo.jpg 6 years ago
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profile pic small.jpg 6 years ago
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C8vsAnhXcAAMHuz.jpg 6 years ago
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Exam success workshop.jpg 6 years ago
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