People have been posting amazing old photos of Wombourne on Social Media, so we wanted to collect them into one place. That way they don’t get lost into the depths of social and they’re easy to find. This page will grow and develop over time.

The Bratch in Wombourne. Date unknown.

The Vine Inn, High St. It was originally a private house which dates back to the early 1700s.It became an Inn in 1851. Photo around 1910. More info, a little bit of interest- the buildings at the side (where the car park is now) was where Guardian Safes started by Joe Timms who later moved to the top of Planks Lane

The ‘old’ Old Bush, High St., demolished in approx 1936, photo curtesy of Rob Walker-shame they couldn’t have kept it & refurbished it as the Manor House where the cricket clubhouse is now, what an amazing clubhouse that would have made