It’s dark outside, there’s nothing on the TV and you can’t be bothered to go to the gym (didn’t take long did it?).

That means conditions are perfect for curling up on the sofa with a good book (and perhaps a glass of something pleasant)..

Tell us what you are reading

So come on Wombourne book-worms, tell us what you will be reading in 2019? Whether it’s a thriller, a romance, the latest science book or a classic, we want to know. You can comment here, or on the Wombourne Online Facebook page

We want to know what you are reading now, and what books you intend to read this year.

Free books for everyone

We are very lucky in Wombourne to still have a fully functioning library. There’s a good selection of books available and it is open 6-days a week (click here for the opening times). The library is free to join and borrowing books is free too (make sure you return them on time!). We’d urge you to use this facility as the Council has the service under constant review and if we don’t use it, we’ll lose it!

The reading challenge

There are some great reading challenges out there. How about a book a week for a whole year? Yep, that’s 52 books!

To get you started Penguin books have some suggestions and will email recommendations, or take a look at what the folks at Goodreads are reading.

Why should kids read?

A recent opinion piece in The Times newspaper on Wednesday asks why should children read if they do not see adults pick up a book?

Reading has so much to offer and it would be super to hear what books are hiding in houses in Wombourne; transporting the reader to times past, present and future.

So come on, let’s hear about your books of 2019.

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