Local older people and their families from Wombourne and the surrounds are set to benefit from a move by local charity, Age UK South Staffordshire  which has chosen Wombourne as the location for its new day opportunities care centre for people with dementia and other complex needs.

The Centre will be opening its doors for the first time later this Summer after the redevelopment and refurbishment of the existing property in line with the new use. The property benefits from a picturesque, rural location, and a large garden with mature trees, as well as being conveniently situated close to Wombourne, and Lower Penn.


The new day centre in Wombourne will complement Age UK’s three other centres at Penkridge, Cannock and Tamworth and will offer tailor made day opportunities to people living in Wombourne and the surrounding villages. It  will offer door to door transport in specialist vehicles with trained drivers and escorts, together with home cooked meals and snacks, a huge range of activities tailored to each person, professional staff and access to all the charity’s services.

The charity is already active in the area, providing care and support in the homes of older people in the area, our telephone information and advice service, and a number of community services.


Anyone interested in finding out more about the new Age UK Wombourne Centre can call: 01785 788 481 or www.ageuk.org.uk/southstaffs.

“We are committed to providing flexible, adaptable, person-centred services, and we can make a positive difference to the lives of many more older people by investing in this new Centre for Wombourne and the surrounding area. We are recognised as a provider of excellence and our new Centre will continue to build a reputation for care of the highest quality, tailored to each client.”

Nick Maslen, Chief Executive, Age UK South Staffordshire