The shopping is done. The relatives have arrived. The light is fading and there’s that certain magical feeling in the air.

Christmas Eve is such a special time, especially here in Wombourne, and as your thoughts turn from the commercial aspects of Christmas, we start to think of what it’s really all about.

The number of people going to a church service in Wombourne during the festive period is always very high. It’s a chance to meet friends, calm the kids and just reflect on the year that has passed.

Yule (gettit?) find a warm welcome at all of our village church’s this Christmas, and whether it’s the only time you will go to church this year, or you’re a regular, you can be sure that a warm welcome awaits.

There’s something to fit in with your time schedule and for all tastes, so here’s our run down of services in the village this Christmas….

St. Benedict Biscop Church

This is the big church on the village green.

On Christmas Eve there are Crib Services (perfect for younger children) at 4pm and 5.30pm. There’s then a later Carols for Christmas Eve celebration at 7.30pm. For those who like to welcome Christmas Day come to Midnight Mass at 11.30pm.

Then on Christmas Day there are services at 8am and 10.30am.

Kingsway Church

The Kingsway Church is located off the ‘Post Office’ car park (that’s the one next to Coffee 212.

On Christmas Eve between 4 and 5pm there is a ‘Journey to the Manger’ service, and then on Christmas morning a service will be held at 10.30am.

Methodist & United Reformed Church (URC)

The congregations of both churches are joining to gather for their Christmas Eve service and will hold them at Common Road Methodist Church (next to the chip shop).

A services will be held on Christmas Eve at 9.30pm and then on Christmas Day morning at 11am.

Catholic Church

Situated in Rennison Drive, off Walk Lane, the Catholic Church has a car-park at the rear of the building.

There is no Christmas Eve service held at this Church, but Mass will be on Christmas Day at 9am.

Whatever your plans for Christmas Eve, we wish you a relaxed one!

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